Don't Let Your E-Waste Take a Toll: Simple Steps for Responsible E-Waste Management Electronic waste, also known as e-waste, refers to discarded or unwanted electronic devices, including computers, cell phones, televisions, and other electronic equipment. With the rapid pace of technological innovation, electronic devices are becoming obsolete at an increasingly rapid rate, leading to a growing problem of electronic waste. Since 2010, the volume of e-waste generated globally has been steadily rising. By 2019, approximately 53.6 million metric tons was produced. This was an...
The Latest News from Grace
Session Highlights
At its regular meeting on March 13, 2023, the Session• opened with prayer and reflection on Exodus 17:1-7; reminding us that God goes in front of us and God keeps promises, even in the wilderness• gave thanks for Jiebieni Nyajwok’s leadership in organizing an event in recognition of World Day of Prayer• expressed appreciation for the training on pastoral conversations for elders, deacons and homebound visitors• supported plans to reintroduce the option of bread and juice distributed at stations through-out the sanctuary when Holy Communion is celebrated Easter morning• was advised by the...
Update from the Minister Resource Committee for Sunday, March 19
Please find an update letter from the Minister Resource Committee for Sunday, March 19.
Sponsor Spring Flowers
Would you like to sponsor a 6” pot of daisies to be delivered to members of ourchurch family who are homebound or are recently bereaved? Please fill out the form below. *Online payments can be made below - if you prefer to write a check please coordinate with the office at
Bulletin with Life and Work for Sunday, March 19
Please find this week's bulletin and announcements.
How to have a pastoral conversation Lunch N Learn (Elders, Deacons, Homebound Visitors and Pastoral Care Volunteers)
Please attend on either Sunday, March 12 or Sunday, March 19 for a workshop on how to have a pastoral conversation. Rev. Christian will lead how to shift conversations from the surface level to something deeper - how can we talk about God, and help people articulate their prayers and concerns? All pastoral care volunteers are encouraged and welcome to attend - this includes elders, deacons, and homebound visitors. Dates: Sundays after worship on March 12 or March 19 (please select one) Time: (after worship) Noon Location: Gym Lunch will be provided Please fill out the form below by...
Bulletin with Life and Work for Sunday, March 12
Please find the bulletin with life and work for this Sunday's service.
Please find the Bulletin with Life and Work for Sunday, March 5
Please find the Bulletin with Life and Work for Sunday, March 5.
Lent and Easter at Grace – This year’s theme is Seeking: Honest questions for deeper faith (Source: A Sanctified Art)
This season, Grace looks at seeking our calling, the sacred, how to live as a disciple. Throughout the turbulence of the past few years, many of us are asking big questions about our lives and our faith. Throughout Lent, we will be asking: What are we seeking? What is God seeking? The Season of Lent starts on Wednesday, February 22 - Ash Wednesday. Please find Lenten resources for this season below: Wednesday, February 22: Noon Ash Wednesday Service in the Chapel (in-person only) Thursday Mornings, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 at 10:30 a.m.: In-person Lenten Group Study in the Family Room, led...
Bulletin with Life and Work for Sunday, February 26
Please find the bulletin with Life and Work for Sunday, February 26.