2023 Monthly Newsletters

2023 Monthly Newsletters

Every month, Grace shares a monthly newsletter. Please find the newsletters from 2023 below: April 2023 Newsletter: Holy Week and Easter: Seeking March 2023 Newsletter: Lent: Seeking – Honest Questions for Deeper Faith February 2023 Newsletter: Growing as a...

Congregational Lunch: Everyone welcome – let’s celebrate volunteers!

Everyone is welcome to join us for a Congregational Lunch, following worship, on Sunday, October 16 to connect with one another and to restore and renew our trust in God’s provision for us. The theme for lunch this month is thankfulness for volunteers. Grace has a...
Ceremony and Prayer: Red Paint Painted Over

Ceremony and Prayer: Red Paint Painted Over

Please join us after our regular Sunday morning Worship on the front stairs of Grace for a Ceremony and Prayer: Red Paint Painted Over. The ceremony is another step on the journey of truth, healing and reconcili-action that began at Grace on July 1, 2021, in the early...