Giving Financially
We take an offering during worship on Sunday morning, but many of our members prefer to give in other ways. To give online, you can use the donation form below, where you’ll also find information about additional options.
Give Online Through Canada Helps
Other Ways to Give
Recurring Bank Withdrawal
Give monthly and help Grace plan for the future. A pre-authorized remittance allows automated bank withdrawals. Please email for more information.
Send your donation by E-transfer to
Please mail your cheques to the office or with your Grace envelope or with a note stating your envelope number. Please do not mail cash.
Grace Presbyterian Church
1009 – 15th Avenue SW,
Calgary, AB T2R 0S5
Legacy Gifts
Legacy giving in a will or donations of securities (tax efficient). If this is something you’d like to explore, please email the Treasurer, Rob McDonald, at for more information.

Giving: Time, Talent, Treasure & Reports and Financials
We are grateful for God’s hand in the work we are doing in our church and around Calgary.
Stewardship shows up in many different ways, and your spiritual and financial commitments ensure that Grace remains a vibrant church community. We rely on your support to offer engaging worship with opportunities for each of us to grow in faith and serve our community. Thank you for your ongoing support of the ministries at Grace Presbyterian Church.
Gifts of time, talent and treasure from the past, present and future are what power Grace – to serve the congregation, the community and to manage change. Grace is grateful for the gifts volunteers and people who donate have offered. One example is the commercial kitchen.
Recent Financial Reports
Monthly Financials
Monthly Financials
Please find monthly financial reports created by Grace's Treasurer, Rob McDonald. If you have any questions about financial information at Grace, please email Rob at Monthly Reports: November 2024 October 2024 September 2024 August 2024 July...
Annual Financials and Budget for 2023
Annual Financial Reports
Please find annual and semi-annual financial reports for Grace. 2024 Budget as approved at the Fall Congregational Meeting Year- End Financials: December 2023 Financials Past Reports 2022 Unaudited Financials Statement Narrative Budget 2023 Financial Budget 2023...
Report to Community
Report to Congregation and Community 2022: Reconnecting and Growing Deeper
Please find the Report to Congregation and Community 2022: Reconnecting and Growing...
Questions about Giving
If you have any questions, please email our Treasurer, Rob McDonald, at
Rob is the Treasurer at Grace and works in the office most mornings. As a former teacher and certified accountant, Rob enjoys using his skills. Part of being a member of the church is offering gifts of time, talent, and treasure – together, these encompass stewardship. Rob embodies all three as the keeper of the gifts of treasure and by offering his time and talent.