Congregational Meeting and Lunch
Congregational Meeting and Lunch
A Congregational Meeting is called for Sunday, December 10 from Noon – 2:00pm, following a luncheon in the gym. The purpose of the meeting is to provide Session updates, consider the 2024 budget and the sale of the Grace House. Thank you to those who have registered. Registration is now closed and the food order has been placed.
Meeting materials will be posted on this page as they are shared.
If you are unable to attend, you may send comments or questions to the Clerk of Session (clerk@gracecalgary.org) no later than December 5 at noon.
You are warmly encouraged to attend and enjoy the fellowship and participate in discerning God’s leading involving ministry priorities.
Written Reports
- Interim Ministers’ Report
- Stewardship Committee Report
- 2024 Proposed Budget
- Grace House Sale Report
- Ad Hoc Land, Facilities and Assets Committee Report
Meeting Agenda for the Congregational Meeting December 10, 2023
12:30 – 2:00 (following lunch in the gym)
1. Constitute Meeting- Rev. Dr. Jean Morris
- Land Acknowledgement
- Election of Recording Secretary
- Approval of meeting agenda
- Approval of the minutes of the May 28, 2023 Annual General Meeting
2. Interim Ministers’ Updates- Rev. Wendy Adams and Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Simmins
3. Session Updates
- Calling New Elders – Mary Jardine
- Search Committee Update- Janet Hyde
- Stewardship Update
o Ad Hoc Land & Facilities Committee- Alan Facey
o Financial Stewardship – Cindy Stephenson
- Consideration of 2024 Budget- Iain Robertson
4. Other Business
- Consideration of sale of Grace House- Shirley Philips
- Interim Moderator Update
5. Motion to adjourn
Closing Prayer and Benediction- Rev. Dr. Jean Morris