Ceremony and Prayer: Red Paint Painted Over

Ceremony and Prayer: Red Paint Painted Over

Please join us after our regular Sunday morning Worship on the front stairs of Grace for a Ceremony and Prayer: Red Paint Painted Over.

The ceremony is another step on the journey of truth, healing and reconcili-action that began at Grace on July 1, 2021, in the early morning hours, red paint was splattered on the doors of 10 churches in Calgary, including Grace Presbyterian Church. The red paint was viewed as an expression of pain and grief over the discoveries of unmarked graves of Indigenous children at former residential schools across Canada and was left up, while conversations began with Indigenous people, Elders and the community. On August 29, again in the early morning hours, two unknown individuals painted over the red paint with tan paint. Grace’s Session has decided to paint over this with the original tan paint, to commit to the ongoing journey of truth, healing and reconciliation, and to invite Indigenous Elders and the community to this ceremony. For a full timeline of Grace’s truth, healing and reconciliation journey, as well as links to further information on the steps along the way, please see below.

The Order for the Gathering is: 

I. Welcome
II. Land Acknowledgement
III. Opening Prayer
IV. Teaching: The significance of Smudging with the Rev. Tony Snow
V. Smudge
VI. Dialogue: Covered Truth: Sharing truth when truth is hard
VII. Reflection Time – (Invitation to write, draw, think about, and be present with the
VIII. Next Steps: Sometimes things don’t go as you thought they would
IX. A call to journey together on the path of Truth, Healing, and Reconciliation
X. Prayer
XI. Conversation
XII. Closing Blessing

Why Grace is holding this event: A timeline of the red paint, a catalyst for an ongoing journey of many steps of truth, healing and reconciliation – steps that have been taken, are being taken and will be taken


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