Congregational Connection Story: Thankfulness for Time, Talent and Treasure – Blessed to be a Blessing

Sep 20, 2021 | Congregation, Uncategorized, Volunteers

Contributed by Cindy Stephenson, Coordinator of Volunteers

Hebrews: 12:28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe

“Blessed to be a blessing.” It’s a simple phrase but summarizes so well our sense of gratitude for the many incredible gifts from God and our response to God in that sense of gratitude. We thank God for those gifts and recognize that they are not ours to hold on to, but to be shared generously. It’s not just obedience to God’s call upon our lives – it’s about joy and thanksgiving. 

As Coordinator of Volunteers at Grace, I try to track the contributions of time and talent that the people of Grace share. I am sure I don’t capture every act of service in my spreadsheet, but I do know of about 170 people who clearly feel blessed to be a blessing. They seek justice for those who are marginalized, participate in Committees and Session, lead Church School classes and activities, operate our Satellite Food Bank, help bake cakes and cookies, teach English Language Learner classes, help refugees, welcome worshippers, visit people who are feeling isolated or are in hospital, tend our gardens, help us praise God with music, care for and upgrade our building, make quilts, support the bereaved, help in the office… the list is long and their service is inspired and inspiring.

Together, they shared at least 17,000 hours of time and talent over the last year. That is a whole lot of blessing and we give thanks!

Did you know? Stewardship Fun Fact:

  • 17,000 hours is more than 8 full time positions at 40 hour per week!

3 Grace Members Share Why I Give

Grace has hundreds of volunteers and donors – this month we asked three people to share why they give gifts of time, talent and treasure. Here is what they said:

Why I Give Time contributed by Freda Pascoe: I grew up in a small (less than 100 members) church in England.   My childhood is filled with people who volunteered, Sunday School, Girls Life Brigade, Junior Choir and Youth Fellowship just to name a few, showing their love of God, our church and each other.  As I grew older I became one of the volunteers who gave of their time and talents, so I guess volunteering is ingrained in me. (Freda often volunteers in the office and is a member of the Human Resources Committee.)

Why I Give Time and Talent contributed by Richard Kim: I share my time/energy with the church Sunday School because I want the kids to establish Jesus in their lives at an early age so that they will follow Him all their days. Regarding facilities, I want to help the church use their resources in a way that glorifies Christ.

Why I Give Treasure: A member recently commented to an elder that making an offering is an important part of a meaningful worship experience. For every offering this person prays for God to direct the giving. “After all,” the member said, “God gives us all we have and we are called to make it a priority to return to God a portion of our time, talents and financial resources.”

Do you have gifts of time, talent or treasure to share?

Give time or talent: Email Cindy Stephenson, Coordinator of Volunteers at or visit the volunteer page to view opportunities.

Give treasure: Visit our Giving and Financials page or reach out to Grace’s Treasurer, Rob McDonald, at

Would you like to share why you give time, talent or treasure for the November newsletter?

Please email by Monday, October 24 at 4:30 p.m

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