Truth, Healing and Reconcili-action Conversation at Grace: Cancelled for the time being

Truth, Healing and Reconcili-action Conversation at Grace: Cancelled for the time being

Our church’s Ad Hoc Committee on Truth, Healing and Reconcili-Action gives thanks for the respectful and heart-felt informal conversations held over the last two Sundays. A total of about 30 participants shared their questions, concerns and hopes about how Grace should move forward, seeking God’s will in our response to the red paint on the doors and the larger calling to continue on a journey of reconciliation.

A range of perspectives was heard:

  • Some are pleased that the red paint was left on the doors and believe it is now time to remove the paint.
  • Some are unhappy that the paint has not yet been removed and want the doors restored to their previous simple appearance.
  • Some are inspired by the prospect of a beautiful mural incorporating Indigenous and Christian spirituality.
  • Some are questioning Grace’s commitment to reconciliation and some have suggestions of how the work of reconciliation can continue.
  • There were questions about the decision-making process.
  • Some would like to see what the Indigenous artist is proposing for the mural.

Detailed notes of the comments have been complied and are available by contacting the Office.

All of this input is immensely helpful as the Ad Hoc Committee continues its work.  The opportunities scheduled on June 5th and June 12th to hear from a survivor of one of residential schools run by The Presbyterian Church in Canada, a brief recap of how Grace has come to this point and ideas of potential future steps, and the chance for further conversation ARE CANCELLED FOR THE TIME BEING, as there has been one individual registered to attend.  The Ad Hoc Committee would welcome the chance to dialogue with any interested individuals at a time that is convenient for them.  Please contact the Office or speak with one of the Ad Hoc Committee members:  Elizabeth Cressman, Mark Dureiux, Mary Jardine, Susan Love, Bruce Perrault, or Cindy Stephenson to initiate this.

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