Congregational Meeting (In-person)
Congregational Meeting (In-person)
The Congregation of Grace church has been cited by the Presbytery of Calgary-Macleod to appear at a Meeting of the Congregation. By the Order of the Moderator, the Congregation of Grace Church will meet in emergent session on Sunday 26 of June at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary of Grace Church.
The purpose of the meeting is to hear from the committee of presbytery who has been directed to assess the reasons for Rev. Jake Van Pernis’ leave and address harassment concerns within the congregation and to determine a path toward an ethos of care rather than an untenable workplace culture.
The meeting is in-person. (If you are unable to attend in-person due to special circumstance, please email office@gracecalgary.org by Thursday, June 23 at 4:30 pm for an access link.)