Volunteer With Grace
Volunteers are essential to Grace, making significant contributions to almost every aspect of church life.
Volunteer Opportunities
Did you know that almost 190 individuals volunteer their time in Grace ministries, projects, and events? We are so grateful for their generosity!
If you’ve been thinking about volunteering, here are some roles you might find interesting:
Join a Session Committee
Ministries, programs and projects at Grace are overseen by 10 committees of Session: These committees are served by members and adherents of the congregation who have interest in the ministry of a particular committee and are able to meet typically once per month, by Zoom or in-person. There is a regular rotation of membership and there are currently opportunities for service in a number of these committees.
- Engagement & Service
- Financial Management
- Governance
- Human Resources
- Land & Facilities
- Leadership Development
- Minister Resource & Presbytery Relations
- Pastoral Care & Connection
- Spiritual Growth
- Stewardship
Please contact the Coordinator of Volunteers, Cindy Stephenson, at volunteers@gracecalgary.org to learn more about the work of these committees or the many other opportunities to serve at Grace.
Satellite Food Bank Volunteer
Additional volunteers are needed on Tuesday afternoons (1:30 – 4:30 p.m.) to help unload food from the Food Bank truck and assemble hampers. Individuals may volunteer one or more Tuesdays per month starting mid-February. Training will be provided.
Please email Cindy Stephenson, Coordinator of Volunteers, to learn more at cindys@gracecalgary.org.
Grace has a regular schedule of volunteers to welcome worshippers attending in-person services. Welcomers are asked to arrive by 10 am latest and then to remain near the Sanctuary doors to be able to assist any late comers. We hope to have enough volunteers that the commitment would average approximately one Sunday per month (with flexibility). Orientation/training will be provided. (At this time, offering plates are not being passed between the pews).
Congregational Stories Wanted! Share your Stories from Grace
Grace Communications is looking for stories from the congregation.
- Do you have an experience to share? Please do – you can write it yourself, share it with communications@gracecalgary.com in an email or schedule a phone call with Communications Specialist Amy Dunn Moscoso who will write the story for you. Stories will be shared in a number of places that may include: the bulletin, the billboards at Grace, social media, the website and the annual Report to Congregation and Community!
- If you are looking for an example, please see this Food Bank volunteer story from Mary Jardine.
For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us. Romans 12:4-5
I will bless you…and in you all families of the earth shall be blessed.
Genesis 12:2-3
One of Grace’s strategic priorities is to “engage, equip and empower our people.” This survey is intended to allow us better to understand your interests, experience, skills and gifts so we may more effectively engage and empower you in God’s mission, already underway in our community!
Please help us by completing the survey. Check the first box for the areas where you currently have some of this experience/skill. Check the second box if you are interested in serving in this area (even if you don’t currently have this experience/skill). Cindy Stephenson, Coordinator of Volunteers, will follow up with you. You are also welcome to email Cindy at cindys@gracecalgary.org.