Grace Pastoral Care
How we love and care for each other is an important expression of our faith.
About Pastoral Care
Pastoral care helps people stay connected to faith, God, and the Grace family. We help people know they’re not alone and try to help them see where God is present in their lives. When people make requests, we ask how Grace can help in situations, including:
- connecting with local social services
- providing care for others
- parenting
- navigating the ‘sandwich generation’ (those who care for children in addition to older family members)
- dealing with grief and bereavement
The Rev. Chris Joiner is the Lead Minister supporting Pastoral Care teams and initiatives. Access pastoral care by emailing chrisj@gracecalgary.org or calling the office at 403-244-5861.
How does Grace provide Pastoral Care?
Our ministers and elders are the primary providers of pastoral care. Grace also offers programs for:
- prayer ministry
- healing quilts
- assistance in times of urgent need
- visits for those in long-term care or who are homebound
Who is Pastoral Care for?
Pastoral Care is really about being there for those who need it, and in that sense, it’s for everyone. We often support people who are:
- in hospital
- experiencing a significant life change
- receiving treatment
- celebrating a milestone
- ill at home, or experiencing limited mobility
- facing unemployment
- grieving a loss
- new to Calgary, or the community
How do I access or volunteer for Pastoral Care?
You’ll find information about Parish Nurses, Prayer Requests, Homebound Visitors, and the Company of Deacons below.
To learn more or get involved, contact Rev. Chris Joiner at chrisj@gracecalgary.org
To make a pastoral care request for yourself or a loved one, please connect with the Rev. or call the office at 403-244-5861.
Prayer Requests
We believe that God sustains the life of the church through prayer. In prayer, we seek God’s will and blessing in all of life. If you would like to request a prayer for a friend or family member or share a prayer for our community, please complete the form.
Pastoral Care Initiatives and Programs

Homebound Visitors
Grace trained five Homebound Visitors to connect with members who are no longer able to attend Grace as often as they would like.
Company of Deacons
Deacons are lay leaders who have been recognized and commissioned by the Session of Grace Presbyterian Church. Each Deacon is trained for and takes on a specific area of pastoral care ministry. The Deacons are:
- Nancy Connors, Deacon for Hospital and Health Care
- Elizabeth Cressman, Deacon for Bereavement Care
- Margot Kellough, Deacon for Homebound Care
- Vacant: Deacon for Mental Health Care