About Grace Presbyterian Church
Grace is a community of people shaped by our Christian faith and our relationships with each other.
We think it’s people that matter. Our Christian community is about each of our stories and how we grow and change over a lifetime of experiences.
The congregation of Grace Presbyterian Church has gathered on the corner of 15 Avenue and 9 Street for more than a century. In that time, we’ve had the privilege of being present to the evolving stories of individuals and families (sometimes generations of a family) who worship with us or live and work in the community around us.
Every one of us is on a journey. We are committed to creating a space where you can be encouraged, supported, and loved as you walk the road you’re on.
Welcome to Grace—your church home in the Beltline.
Please click here to find the Strategic Plan of Session for 2022-2024
Please click here to read our 2022 Report to Congregation and Community for a snapshot of our impact as a congregation, in the community, and as we navigate change.
Our Vision
Transforming lives through God’s grace
Our Mission
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we grow disciples of Jesus Christ to love our neighbours and effect social change.
Our Values
Engagement – Being a member of Grace is not a passive exercise. Jesus’ call to “come and follow me” is a call to action. As we exercise our faith, we seek to engage with and be engaged by the people and stories we encounter.
Belonging – Inspired by the early church’s commitment to breaking down barriers, we ensure everyone feels like Grace is a place they are welcome. We work to foster a more profound sense of belonging.
Community – Creating a strong sense of belonging inside our walls can be isolating if it’s not paired with a commitment to be an active member of our neighbourhood and city. We seek out connections with those around us.
Compassion – A compassionate church celebrates that everyone is worthy of love and belonging just as they are. We serve and connect with others not to spread religion but because we see the face of Christ revealed in others.
Service – Jesus is a servant leader, and his love is always revealed in service to others. We give ourselves through community projects and involvement. Each of our values is expressed in how we serve others.
What We Believe
We join with Christians across the world in affirming our beliefs as summarised in The Apostles’ Creed:
I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day, he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. AMEN.
For a comprehensive statement of beliefs held by Grace and The Presbyterian Church in Canada, please click here to read Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief.
The Trinity
We believe in the triune God. In other words, God is one God, yet revealed in three persons: Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit. The one God comes to us in three modes: the Creator (the Father), the Redeemer (the Son), and the Sustainer (the Holy Spirit). Jesus is human and divine and is the Son of God.
The Bible
The Bible—Old Testament and New Testament—is our sacred Scripture. We believe the Bible is the written revelation of God’s word. It tells the story of God and God’s relationship with God’s people.
God guided and inspired the writers of the Bible. Because of this, we and succeeding generations may know what God has done, is doing, and how God wants us to live.
Human hands wrote Scripture, and historical and cultural circumstances shaped Scripture. Similarly, our own time and culture and our own biases condition us. We believe that we must seek to understand the Bible in its historical context while praying for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help us listen afresh and bring the biblical teaching to bear on our current situation. We must always consider Scripture as a whole, avoiding the dangers of quoting isolated texts.
Sacraments We Celebrate
Presbyterians celebrate two sacraments: Baptism and Communion. Baptisms happen at several points of the church year. Traditionally, Grace celebrates Communion four times a year. Both Communion and Baptism are visible expressions of the gospel which encourage Christian growth.

Baptism can occur at any age. Believing parents bring their child for Baptism and promise to raise their child to love and serve God. The entire congregation vows to support the child and the family. Usually, the minister pours or sprinkles water on the person’s head in Baptism. The waters of Baptism symbolize refreshment, cleansing, new life, the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Because we see Baptism as an act of the whole church and a sign of church membership, Baptism happens in the presence of the worshipping congregation.
Breaking bread and drinking wine or grape juice reminds us of Jesus and his Last Supper with his friends. Communion unites us with Jesus and with each other. It strengthens us to go out into the world as a symbol of hope for a troubled age. Communion is thanks-giving and a memorial of Christ’s life and death.
The Presbyterian Church in Canada
Grace is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. As a Reformed church, we rely on the truth and inspiration of the Scriptures for God’s guidance into the future. A future that we approach with wonder and anticipation, knowing God is with us. As worshiping communities joyfully celebrating the sacraments, we are supported, strengthened and equipped to share the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ.
For information about the Presbyterian Church in Canada, visit their website at www.presbyterian.ca/
Leading with Care
Grace complies with the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s comprehensive Leading with Care policy. The policy ensures a climate of safety for children, youth and vulnerable adults. You can review the Leading with Care policy here: www.presbyterian.ca/leading-with-care/
Presbyterian World Service & Development
Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D) is the development and relief agency of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. For over 65 years, PWS&D has been working with partners overseas and Canadians here at home to make positive changes in our global village. PWS&D has a wide variety of programs that help communities overcome poverty, recover from emergencies and provide hope for vulnerable people.
In addition to our mission and ministry work, Grace dedicates a portion of our budget to support the work of PWS&D. For more information about their current efforts, visit their website at www.presbyterian.ca/pwsd/