Session Highlights
At its regular meeting on March 10, the Session:
- opened with worship and practiced a Lectio Divina reading of Romans 10:8b-13 from the Lectionary
- gave thanks for the community and congregational participation at the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, the meaningfulness of the Ash Wednesday services, the attendees at the recent Membership Gathering, and other blessings
- prayed in thanksgiving and intercession for the congregation, community, our country and the world
- approved the workplan of the Spiritual Growth Committee, which seeks to build upon the strong Children & Youth programming and expand the opportunities for Adult Faith Formation. The importance of life-long learning was highlighted. Additional intergenerational initiatives will also be a focus in 2025
- discussed the various risks that had been identified by Committees and staff and acknowledged the criticality of diligently following the plans to mitigate these risks
- received an update on the Strategic Planning Process and committed to encouraging participation at the upcoming session on Saturday, March 22
- approved a capital campaign to raise $1M in 2025 to invest in modernization of the building, starting with the proposed project to add washrooms. The Land & Facilities Committee is developing a series of multi-phased projects to improve the accessibility, safety and functionality of Grace’s building
- approved the Finance Committee’s workplan
- gave thanks for the service of Darlene and Mike Jones, who are stepping down as Co-Convenors of the Engagement & Service Committee, and of Heather Christie-Burns from the Finance Committee
- appointed Hazel Turney to the Finance Committee
- approved revisions to the Terms of Reference for the Spiritual Growth Committee and the Minister Resource & Presbytery Relations Committee
- received updates from all the Committees, the ministers and staff
- closed with a benediction.