Session Highlights October 2024


Session Highlights

At its meeting on October 15, the Session:

  • Worshipped together, reflecting on Mark 10:17-22 and the text’s meaning to us as leaders at Grace and as individuals.
  • We gave thanks for the study on John 20 and 21, led by the Moderator of the 2024 General Assembly, Dr. Pat Dutcher-Walls, on September 30, as The Presbyterian Church in Canada considers narratives of Hope and Possibility for the denomination.
  • Welcomed the Treasurer, who presented the current year’s financial trends and the preliminary budget 2025. September’s year-to-date finances are better than last year’s. The budget will be finalized and recommended to the congregation for approval in late November/early December.
  • Received a presentation from the Convener of the Land and Facilities Committee on current activities and plans. Potential projects are being scoped and will be prioritized based on 1. Life and Safety (including accessibility), 2. Maintenance, and 3. Improvements. The congregation will be invited to support these projects when better defined.
  • Discussed suggestions for the use of the proceeds of the sale of Grace House. These will be considered as the strategic plan is refreshed in the coming months.
  • Approved the Investment Policy proposed by the Financial Management Committee.
  • Appointed Shirley Philips as Land and Facilities Committee Liaison, as Janet Hyde has taken a leave of absence.
  • Named Jennifer Williams as Deacon of Welcome and Hospitality to further strengthen Grace’s intentional welcome and integration of newcomers.
  • Accepted the transfer of membership to Grace of Terence and Susan White. The Roll now stands at 350 professing members, with 162 adherents.
  • Approved the baptisms of David Ojulu, Tekajwok Ojulu, Deborah Meer Ochala and Sarah Meer Ochala
  • Received reports on the many programs and initiatives overseen by the Committees.
  • Closed with prayer and a benediction.

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