You are invited to Grace Presbyterian Church Homecoming Sunday, on September 12, 2021, at 10:30 a.m.
Grace’s Session, in partnership with our staff, has chosen Sunday, September 12 to resume in-person worship. Health and safety are a priority as we resume in-person worship. This decision has been made with cautious optimism and with the hope we will work together to respect the health and safety of one another.
We recognize that COVID case numbers, including cases associated with variants of COVID, are rising and guidelines, as well as decisions about gatherings (indoor and outdoor) and best practices, could rapidly change. Please know we are paying close attention to what is going on and are doing our best to navigate how to proceed with cautious optimism and health and safety in mind.
The questions and answers below are meant to help everyone understand what to expect when you return to Grace for worship.
We also realize that some of our church community will wait a while before returning and want to assure you that our services will continue to be posted online.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I am unable to attend worship? WIll the service continue on the Grace YouTube Channel?
YES! A recording of the worship service will be posted on the Grace YouTube Channel by the Monday following worship. The link will be available at:
Do I need to wear a mask?
YES! All people must wear a mask (covering the nose and mouth) while inside the church. Masks are required at all times, with no exceptions. Masks will be available at the church if someone does not have one.
What about physical distancing?
YES! We encourage in-person worshippers not to shake hands, hug or otherwise come in direct contact with one another. Seating in Grace’s sanctuary is set up to help promote physical distancing.
Will there be children and youth programming?
Children and youth programs will continue to offered online at this time. Please watch the bulletin, newsletter or social media for future announcements.
Are washrooms available?
Washroom facilities are available for general attendance use and will include anti-bacterial soap and alcohol sanitizers in each washroom.
Can I pick up a bulletin on Sunday?
Bulletins will be available online each Friday and it is suggested that if you are able to you download or print out the bulletin and bring it with you. A limited number of copies will be available on Sunday.
Will I get to sing?
There will be congregational singing and group recitation, however it will be limited and only happen with masks on. Grace’s choir and musicians will also lead music wearing masks and will sing hymns and anthems from the choir loft.
Will there be coffee and fellowship after the service?
Not yet — We are holding off on all indoor fellowship activities, including coffee hour, for now but we hope to return to sharing in a time of fellowship in the future.
Can our group meet inside the church before or after worship?
We will continue to offer support and encourage groups to meet online. For the month of September, only worship and essential services, such as the food bank, will be taking place in person.
What about my offering?
- People can make an online donation any time at
- Offering plates will be placed at the north and south sanctuary doors. Worshippers may bring their own Grace envelopes or use the “guest” envelopes that will be available at the north door.
- A debit machine will also be available at the north sanctuary exit. The debit machine will be sanitized after each use.
- The congregation is encouraged to use the PAR (pre-authorized remittance). The PAR authorizes automated bank withdrawals and requires setup by emailing Rob McDonald, Grace Treasurer, at
How can I help promote the heath and safety of others?
Get vaccinated. Vaccinations are the most effective way to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Practice good hygiene. At Grace hand sanitizing stations are set up throughout the building for easy use.
Please do not attend in-person worship at Grace Presbyterian Church if you are feeling sick or have the following symptoms:
- Fever
- Cough, runny nose, sore throat, or shortness of breath
- Are a close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19