A New Year Letter From Rev. Christian, Rev. Maren and Rev. Jake

Jan 7, 2021 | Updates

This past Advent and Christmas was much different than any of us can recall. And as we enter into 2021 many of us have mixed feelings about the year ahead. No one could have predicted how 2020 would play out. As we near the one-year mark of suspending in-person worship at Grace Presbyterian Church we wonder when life will get back to normal.

The truth, quite bluntly, is that things will not be the way they used to be. As individuals we have changed, Grace has changed, Canada has changed, the world has changed. Some of us are enjoying the simplicity and quietness of these early days in January, feeling restored and refreshed. Some of us feel increasingly lonely as each month means more and more time away from those whose company we cherish. Some of us have lost loved ones over this pandemic, and are seeking out new ways of being when so much has changed. Some of us are exhausted, looking for an end to this pandemic and all of its consequences – working longer hours, parenting at home, anxiety, as well as instability spiritually, mentally, physically, financially.

What are we to do in the face of so much uncertainty and unpredictability? Perhaps one helpful approach is to ground ourselves in Advent, which is the beginning of the calendar in the church year. Advent reminds us of hope, peace, joy, and love as we prepare ourselves for Christ. At Christmas we celebrate Christ’s birth and reflect on God’s love for the world in sending God’s very self to live among humans as one of us. Jesus demonstrated engagement, belonging, community, compassion, and service.

Sometimes, especially during the pandemic, it is difficult to know or see how pastoral care is flourishing at Grace. The pilot program for our Company of Deacons is going very well, despite the adjustments and changes that were needed to continue providing care during COVID-19. We have deacons for bereavement care, community care, health care, and homebound care. Each deacon is providing care in various ways while adhering to AHS guidelines and recommendations.

Through deacons we have been able to provide follow up contact and care to those who have recently lost loved ones. We have developed relationships with those in the Beltline community, particularly individuals who are homeless or nearly homeless, individuals looking for nonjudgmental relationship and conversation, who are also being connected with services and agencies that can better address their needs. Our deacon for health care has been able to follow up by phone with individuals who were admitted to hospital or receiving treatment of some kind. These opportunities for follow up and sustained contact have been a bridge, especially when visitors are either not permitted or limited, to ensure individuals that Grace is present in their lives, and more importantly that God is present in their lives. We also implemented a pilot program for homebound visitors to provide contact more frequently with those who were unable to attend Grace in person before COVID-19 restrictions. The number of our volunteers has grown, and our deacon for homebound care ensures that Grace continues to be involved in the lives of members and adherents who are no longer able to participate in the worshiping life of the church community.

We are blessed in many ways at Grace, including having a vast array of pastoral care providers. Please know that you are not alone. Inasmuch as we might be experiencing isolation and a prolonged period of time away from one another, Grace is with you, and God is with you.

In addition to our deacons and homebound visitors, our Elders continue to be in touch with the congregation. Please pray for all who are providing pastoral care during this difficult time, while recognizing that we are blessed to have so many individuals taking part in this ministry.

If you are seeking pastoral care for yourself please contact me by phone or email. If you are interested in learning more about deacons or homebound visitors, and are interested in getting involved, please let me know so that we can continue to add to our service and delivery of pastoral care.

What the future holds is unknown; but we know who holds the future and we continue to place our faith in God. Happy new year to you, and may you know God’s presence in your life throughout the year. Be assured that Grace is still here for you as we embark on the journey of 2021 together.

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