A Letter From the Ministers of Grace Presbyterian Church on Racism and Inclusiveness

Jun 5, 2020 | Updates

Please find a letter from the Ministers at Grace Presbyterian Church on Racism and Inclusiveness

The senseless murder of George Floyd has sparked protest and outrage around the world. The scenes have been extremely unsettling – partly because for some of us these images are so close to places we called home, and partly because this movement has forced us to address the ways in which we perpetuate racism.

Many of the images we see on social media, or news outlets are from American sources, but let us not assume that racism is not in Canada. While our two countries have varied histories, and systemic differences, racism is not an American problem, it is a global human rights issue.

As Christians we claim that all humans are created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27), and therefore are equal, worthy of dignity and respect; but we recognize that our systems in North America have favoured those of European descent and disproportionately affected non-white individuals–especially black people. Many of us are familiar with the words, “And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). In times such as these we realize that we have fallen short.

Grace Presbyterian Church strongly condemns any form of racism, and especially anti-black racism. Black lives matter. We must confront the reality that all lives do matter, but the black community has been historically mistreated and continues to be mistreated – particularly by police enforcement. We cannot be silent when acts of injustice continue. Grace Presbyterian Church is for all people. Sometimes we embrace diversity well, as seen in our Sunday school, and other times we miss the mark. We recognize that the vast majority of our preachers have been white men, and we have not been intentional in seeking other voices.

We can do better. We can be better as a congregation. We can be better as individuals. Racism comes in many forms, anywhere from systemic issues to personal assumptions. We claim to be transforming lives through God’s grace and recognize that there is more work to do. Please join us in being part of this transformation. Help us in this work by offering suggestions on how to be more inclusive.

Jesus commanded, “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34). Love is costly, and requires hard work. We will work harder to be more inclusive, to fight against racism, and to call out injustice.

The Ministers of Grace Presbyterian Church

Call to Action:

Please offer suggestions on how we can be more inclusive.

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