October 19 Session Highlights (including a proposal for limited in-person worship)

Oct 23, 2020 | Updates

At its regular meeting on October 19, the Session:

•Reflected upon how we, as the body of Christ, are cheerfully expectant in this time of transition.

•Remembered the family of Tony Vanden Brink in prayer.

•Received and considered correspondence from a number of individuals, some expressing concern, and others expressing gratitude for ministry at Grace. Session agreed upon the follow-up to respond to the suggestions and concerns.

•Celebrated the election by the members of the congregation of three new Elders, who will be ordained November 8 and will join the Session starting at its next regular meeting November 9.

•Gave thanks for the wise and faithful service of Dave Caldwell and Len Wolstenholme who are ending their terms as Session Elders. Dave and Len will continue to share their gifts of leadership as Service Elders.

•Learned that very few Elders had submitted third quarter reports on their districts. The Rev. Christian Persaud will follow-up with the individuals who have not provided this important information on how members and adherents are doing.

•Approved in principle a proposal targeting the start of limited in-person worship on December 6. The development of a more detailed plan for in-person worship will be led by the Spiritual Expression & Development Committee, augmented by additional representatives from the congregation. All Alberta Health Services and other relevant guidelines will be incorporated to reduce the risks, but it is understood that not all the congregation will be comfortable with in-person worship and so arrangements will be made to continue on-line worship. Please keep in mind this is our target date which may change due to future recommendations and guidelines.

•Agreed with plans for Preaching Grace to be held online in February 2021.

•Was encouraged by the programs that are thriving despite COVID: Grace Kids Online, Chillin’ with Jesus (youth group), Trunk’n’Treat, operating the Satellite Food Bank every Thursday, DWELL Coffee and Conversation time, the Bible study on Acts, the upcoming book study,and the work of deacons and homebound visitors in connecting with congregation members and those in the wider community.

•Received the third quarter financial statements, which show that revenues from donations, parking and rental income continue to track more than $200,000 under budget. The Stewardship Working Group is developing a plan to encourage increased congregational donations in a sustainable manner.

•Learned about the work that the Rev. Maren McLean Persaud is undertaking with Cyclical PCC, a church planting initiative of the denomination to train leaders in beginning new worship communities.

•Prayed for the congregation in this time of transition. Acknowledged the concerns brought forward in correspondence and gave thanks for individuals who are offering themselves as Elders in the service of Grace.

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